Wednesday, July 28, 2004

First time blogging

I just wanted to see if there is any use of sharing
early thoughts with the World.

Well, I can try it. :)



Zorana said...

Well, hello there! Congrats on the 1st post! YEY!!! You're sucked in!

Yes, there is a use of sharing your thoughts with the world, because there are plenty of us that need thoughts!!! So, go on and share more!


3opan said...

Зорана, свет се променио за 6 godina и 3 месеца. И изгледа да нисам поделио много мисли са остатком света за све то време. :)

Zorana said...

If I had written this comment 6 years and 3 months ago, maybe you would have shared more thoughts with the world. This is a great example how timing is important.

I always enjoy a good read. This one is especially fun with 2 alphabets! I like that! Make it challenging for your readers.

3opan said...

Свака слика вреди хиљаду речи - тако да и посетиоци који не знају српски могу да прате овај блог. Можда неће знати одакле су слике, али у томе и јесте драж - могу да питају ако их интересује.